
Magical Princess Makina: Chapter 1 - The Beg-inn-ing

——This is the story of how I, a pure princess, began living a life of unrestrained sexuality.

The early summer wind raced across the field.

It carried the clanging of clashing swords. That was the auditory sign of an intense battle in which both sides risked their lives.


An ugly goblin summoned what strength he had left to raise his sword. His green body was covered in red blood and his legs were unsteady below him.

A hint of pity mixed with the readiness to kill in the black eyes of the adventurer boy who opposed him: Swordsman Tet. The boy’s black cape and hair fluttered in the wind as his sword decapitated the goblin. That was the last of the monsters they had run across.

He had no blood on him and his sword had not chipped. The sharp strike had not even given the goblin time for a death cry, so he demonstrated unparalleled skill for a teenager.

At the same time, his was a compassionate swordsman that did not provide any unnecessary suffering.

But that may have been a flaw. His fighting style could be seen as “soft”, which created openings.

One of the goblins Tet thought he had defeated had been playing dead on the ground and he aimed a crossbow at Tet’s back to avenge his beheaded friend.

He could kill the boy now. He was near death himself, but he could bring the boy down with him. The crossbow bolt would easily penetrate the adventurer’s light armor.

But just as the goblin prepared to pull the trigger…

“Frozen Lance.”

A thick ice lance pierced his green body.


The bolt remained in the crossbow and it was the goblin who was pierced through the back, not Tet.

“Thank you very much. You saved me, princess.”

When Tet saw the monster dying behind him, he realized the opening he had created and who had saved him.

“You are most welcome.”

It was a girl with long, wavy blonde hair, a triangular hat, and a magical staff. Makina walked over to him.

She no longer wore a dress. Instead, she wore a miniskirt for ease of movement and her smooth and plump thighs were visible below that.

“My duty is to protect you, princess, yet you keep saving me.”

“Um, Tet?”


“How many times have I told you to stop calling me ‘princess’?”

“Oh… I-I am so very sorry!”
“We are no longer a princess and knight. We are adventurers named Makina and Tet. I think we should avoid saying anything that would gather undue attention.”

“How can I ever apologize for my carelessness!? As a knight of Grandel, this sword is my greatest pride and a symbol of my very soul, so shall I break it in penance!?”
“Oh, come on! It’s not that big a deal!”

Tet was skilled, but he was not very flexible and he had trouble paying attention to his surroundings. But he was also the one and only servant Makina had left.

“I only care that you understand what I am saying. But more importantly, are you hurt? If so, I can use some healing magic to-…”

“I-I am entirely unscathed, prin-…M-Makina! You need not bother yourself with that. I would not dare bother you with it!”

They had been surrounded and attacked by five goblins, but Tet truly was unharmed.

Even if Makina had been supporting him, his strength was undeniable and they had completed their quest.

At that very moment, a strong breeze blew in as if to declare the battle over.

Makina held down her triangular hat so it would not blow away and she smiled at Tet.

Her golden hair reflected the sun’s rays, her frilly skirt fluttered in the wind, and she looked like a figure in a fantastical painting.

“She looks like a fairy.”

“Hm? Did you say something, Tet?”

“N-no. Anyway, that completes our quest. Let’s retrieve the Goblin Stones and return to the inn.”

“Yes, we do have to leave earlier than normal tomorrow.”

She was polite and courteous to everyone, even a common knight working for her.

And while she was bright and kind, she was also reliable in combat.

You could scour the guild and never find a better companion for an adventurer or a more worthy master for a knight.

Tet happily sensed just how truly blessed he was.

“This calls for a feast! I think I’ll even order some beer!”

“Oh, Tet. You know you can’t hold your liquor. But it is true this is a day to celebrate.”

“That settles it!”

“Hee hee hee.”

But at that time, there was one thing the young swordsman named Tet did not know. He had no way of knowing.

The happiness he sensed in these calm times had already been shattered.

——It had all already ended on that day when it all began.

The two had left their homeland of Grandel to work as adventurers in the neighboring kingdom of Britannica.

The sun was setting on the town on the border of Britannica where Makina and Tet were currently staying.

It was still evening, but the combination inn and pub was already full of rowdy men.

“Hello again, innkeeper.”

“We’re back for the night.”

Tet and Makina approached the counter, greeted the innkeeper, and set down a leather bag. It contained the payment for a room and meal for the night.

“Oh! Welcome back, you two. Glad to see you’re safe!”

The middle-aged man looked up from his newspaper and expressed his joy at their return. He was a gentle but balding man.

“I see you had a profitable day. But why wouldn’t you when you’re such a genius swordsman!?”

“No, no. Don’t say that. The Goblin Stones we found in the monsters just happened to be large, so the guild paid more than usual.”

“Yeah, but you’ve never once failed a quest since showing up in this town! That’s impressive.”

“We just make sure not to choose anything too difficult. And the prin-…Makina helps out a lot too.”

“No! I’m nothing special!”

Surprised to be brought up so suddenly, Makina grew unnecessarily modest.

But the fact was that Tet would have been at least injured in the day’s battle if not for Makina. And today was not an exception. She had saved him countless times.

“I’m damn jealous, Tet. Who wouldn’t want such a powerful and cute girl on their party? And let’s not forget those massive jugs! If I had a waitress as hot as Makina…ow!?”

Something slapped the top of the innkeeper’s balding head.

He rubbed his head and turned around. The fear in his eyes was greater than if he expected to find a goblin there.

“Th-that hurt, Amanda.”

The almond-eyed waitress there was giving off a nearly visible aura of anger.

“It was supposed to hurt, you bald bastard! How long are you going to keep them there!? And you’re bothering Makina!”

The innkeeper looked much smaller than normal as the veteran waitress berated him.

All the men seated at the tables guffawed at the series of events.

“No one can stand up to Amanda!”

“Yeah, but the innkeep’s right. We need some more hot chicks around here.”

“I know, right? Hey, Makina! Come drink with us!”

“If only Makina really was a waitress. The drinks would taste so much better than with Amanda~”

“Don’t be stupid. Tet’s got you beat in sword skill and looks, so know your place!”


Another round of laughter erupted in the pub.

Tet and Makina had stayed here for a few weeks, so they got along well with the innkeeper, waitresses, and regulars.

But none of them knew that those two were the survivors of Grandel, the kingdom that disappeared in a single night. They hid their identities as princess and knight while journeying as adventurers to find that black-hooded sorcerer and save the people of Grandel.

They had stopped at this town to complete the quests issued at the guild and earn enough money to continue their journey.

But while they saved up, they had gotten to know the pub’s waitresses and regulars. They felt a little guilty about hiding their identities, but the time here had been enjoyable enough for them to forget all about that.

It would be sad parting with all of them tomorrow, but they were travelers. They could not stay at any one place for long.

In Tet’s mind, that was because they had a mission they must complete even if it cost him his life.

He smiled at Makina as he reflected on that.

But in that moment, Makina felt something entirely different.

(Ahh, I can feel it ''again'' today.)

Her eyes grew slightly damp as she sensed something with her entire body.

She sensed the fierce bestial emotion that lurked within the friendly atmosphere of the pub.

There were eyes on the blonde hair below her witch’s hat, there were eyes on her small face, there were eyes on her smooth skin, and there were eyes on her plump lips.

She was being watched.

Leering eyes crawled along the collarbones left bare by her dirndl and across her unusually large breasts which jiggled a bit whenever she took a step.

Her bust was simply too much for her clothing to contain, so the top of her breasts formed a visible cleavage and it was impossible to miss all the men’s gazes gathering there.

Her slender waist, the lines of her hips, her frilly skirt, and the thighs visible between her miniskirt and knee socks were no exception.

Her entire body gave off sex appeal and she had sensed their lustful eyes on her the entire time she had stayed in this town.

They made no attempt to hide how they looked at her, but that was because they could plainly see the embarrassment and arousal it inspired in her. And most of all, she would nonchalantly lean over to give them a better view of her cleavage or stick her butt out to revel in how so many eyes gathered on it.

The only one ignorant of this interplay between lusty eyes and flirty poses was Tet seated next to her as he cheerfully chatted with those very same regulars.

Even as night fell and their farewell party began, she could not help but secretly hold a hand against her lower stomach.

——Soon thereafter, I found myself unable to fight my own desire and I betrayed him.

A faint sexual sound could be heard in a moonlit room.

“Ah, nh.”

Damp and heated breaths escaped a half-opened mouth.

She had begun doing this about half a year before when Grandel disappeared in a single night.

Before that, she had never pleasured herself or even rubbed her fingers against that sexual flesh.

“Ah, yes…”

But that had changed.

In a cheap room for adventurers, drunk Tet was fast asleep in the other bed.

Makina wore a thin, dress-like negligee, but the skirt portion was pulled up. She was flowing with enough love juices to create a stain on her light pink panties and the sheet as well.

She moved her right hand of her own free will to stir up her fleshpot and create a lewd wet sound.

“Kh, ahh.”

It was all because of that sorcerer.

That man who had stolen the lives of her parents and of the kingdom’s officials, common people, and even livestock.

He had also left a tattoo-like curse on that pure princess’s lower stomach. It was just below her navel, positioning it right over her womb.

Thanks to that, this heat rose within her every single night. Her pulse would race and her breathing would grow heavy.

“Ahn, yes.”

But she did not stop. She parted her labia and delved deeper. Each movement of her fingers brought a vivid memory to mind.

——All I could think about was those two people mating like animals in my parents’ bedroom.

She recalled that black-robed man taking her mother in the very bed she usually shared with her husband.

She recalled that tanned lower body thrusting against the queen’s jewel-white skin.

She recalled that sexual expression and voice that she had never before seen or imagined in relation to her mother.

But most of all, she fantasized that it was her in her mother’s place in that scene.

“Ah, ah.”

She could not stop.

She remembered the sticky way the innkeeper looked at her and she remembered the wild sexual energy she could sense from the regulars when they had been drinking.

What if they finally moved beyond just using their eyes to toy with her? What if they physically reached for her body? What if they all took her right there in the pub?

Imagining that scene brought an even more intense wave of pleasure from deep within her. She let it carry her away to climax.


She felt like something was frying in her brain or like light was flashing in her mind as her hips bounced up from the bed and convulsed before her entire body went limp.

“Pant, pant.”

The thin negligee felt a bit heavier due to the sweat, drool, and sex juices it had soaked up. She felt like she had used up even more stamina than when she had fought those monsters.

——But it still wasn’t enough.

No matter how deep she shoved her fingers and no matter how much she moved them, it never quite satisfied her. She wanted a deeper and more intense pleasure. 

She felt ashamed of that desire, but there was no denying her desires were not being fulfilled.


She heard a quiet groan, so she glanced over at Tet in the other bed.

That boy showed her unchanged loyalty and affection as he worked to rescue the people of Grandel and restore the kingdom.

She had considered that countless times, but she had rejected the idea just as many times.

Not because she had known him since they were little.

And not because they would continue to be companions on this journey.

Nor was it anything as trivial as wanting to stay with him forevermore.

It was for Tet’s own sake. She had to remain the Makina Grandel who Tet had sworn allegiance to. She felt a need to remain as pure and loving as his ideal master. In his eyes, at least.

If she asked him for that, she was certain he would worry over it but ultimately quench the burning desire within her.

But then their relationship would fall apart. It would transform Tet’s master into a slut who seduced her knights for her own carnal pleasure. She would be forcing Tet to serve someone like that and she could not bear to do that.


She stood next to his bed and stroked his black hair in the moonlight.

(My knight. My last remaining servant.)

She could not lose her dignity as a princess. Not when he was watching, anyway.

So she would go elsewhere for tonight.

Away from him, she could be a mere adventurer. She could be a sorceress who was experienced in the ways of the world even at her young age.

For now, she could be no more than Makina.

She slipped out of the room in nothing but her thin negligee.

While everyone was asleep, Makina tiptoed down the stairs to the inn’s first floor.

But her heart was pounding so very loudly in her chest. And she felt a tightness in her chest each time she breathed.

Guilt and fear competed for runner-up against the overwhelming wave of arousal. She had no idea what expression she would find in a mirror.

The rational part of her mind told her she should not be doing this, but the uncontrollable heat in her lower stomach kept her feet moving.

“I-if I don’t see anyone, I’ll head right back to our room!”

She whispered an out to herself.

If she did not find anyone, she could head back and sleep until morning. That would be best.

(But what if I do find someone?)

She was alone at night while barely clothed and the effects of the curse made her horniness impossible to miss. Would a man really overlook her? Would he really just let her go?

“Who goes there?”

Her shoulders jumped.

And she felt the expectation inside her heat up.

She hesitantly turned toward the voice.

She found the balding, middle-aged innkeeper drinking whisky alone at a table.

“Oh, if it isn’t Makina! What has you up this late at night?”

“I, um, well, I-I was getting some water!”

“Were you? It is a hot night. Oh, sit down, sit down! I’ll get you some water!”

“N-no! I…!”

She was unable to turn down his kindness, so she ended up sitting across from the seat he had been using.

He soon returned with a glass of water and sat down facing her.

“It’s hot as hell, isn’t it? I’m sweaty just sitting here drinking.”

“Do you always drink alone at night?”

“No, not normally. I prefer selling the stuff. But today I told a regular not to worry about his tab and Amanda really let me have it. And she’s got a husband and a kid, so she always leaves pretty early. Makes you question who’s the real boss around here.”

“Th-that can’t be fun.”

“But I’m really drinking to fight the loneliness.”


“You and Tet are leaving town tomorrow, right? You haven’t been here all that long, but you always paid in full and you’re nice. I couldn’t ask for better customers. So I’m feeling a bit sentimental. And alcohol is the best medicine at times like that.”

“I see. Y-you all treated me well too! I really enjoyed my time here and I learned so much!”

“You’re a good girl, Makina.”

The innkeeper’s innocent smile brought one to her face as well.

She and Tet had arrived at the inn a few weeks ago. They had used it as a home base while fulfilling guild quests and saving up money for their journey.

And now that they had new equipment and some savings, they were preparing to leave.

But it was always sad to leave people who had helped them out. Tet could not handle his liquor at all, but he had still wanted to drink with the regulars as a proper farewell.

“You want a drink too, Makina?”


“Just a little! How about one cup for your last night here?”


“Think of it as humoring a single man. And you have your water as a chaser, so just one drink before bed!”

Tet or Amanda had always driven off any men who pressured her to drink, but neither of them were here now.

And it was true this was a special day. She was leaving the next morning, so it felt rude to turn down the offer.

“So how about it? It’s on the house, of course.”

Her negligee left more of her cleavage exposed than her normal clothing and the rest of her breasts showed through its thin material. And she was well aware that he had been leering lustfully at her chest throughout the entire conversation.

Her lower stomach could not bear to wait a moment longer.

“Then I will have j-just the one drink.”

She hesitantly accepted the glass of whisky.

She made sure to watch the innkeeper out of the corner of her eye as she tilted back the glass.

And she swallowed it as if accepting all of the feelings inside her.

“Phew. Ahh…”

“Are you okay, Makina?”
The glass was still half full. She had drank enough to quiet the voice in her head telling this was a bad idea, but she had stopped before it affected her much more than that.

However, the heat in her lower stomach picked up where the alcohol left off. When she looked at her reflection in the amber liquid, she saw a face melted with desire and eyes damp with lust. The skin visible in the reflection was slightly flushed.

“I didn’t realize you had that much trouble with alcohol. Sorry, you don’t have to drink any more.”


She tried to stand up, but her legs were too weak.

“W-watch out, Makina!”

The innkeeper reached out and wrapped an arm around her hips.

He pulled her close to keep her from falling.



She raised her head to thank him and found him looking down at her from directly above.

Her negligee had nearly fallen from her breasts, which maintained their shape as if in defiance of gravity. Moreover, the pink tips pushed up against the sheer fabric, making it clear they were hard with arousal.

The innkeeper kept his arm around her hips and there was obvious animal lust in his eyes.

“Would you like me to take you upstairs?”

“Eh? Y-yes! Of course!”

She spaced out for a second, but once she realized what his question really meant, she gladly agreed.

He lifted her up in the so-called princess carry.


And he climbed the stairs to the second floor.

The last traces of her rational mind rang the warning bells, telling her a princess should not be doing this.

This was her first time being princess carried. No, Tet had carried her like this once many years ago.

——Aren’t I heavy, Tet?

——Not at all, princess! You are very light!

As a child, she had sprained her ankle playing in the garden and Tet had carried her to the infirmary. It was a precious memory.

Yet now…

“A-aren’t I heavy?”

“Don’t worry. You’re actually surprisingly light, Makina.”

Now she was being carried by someone she never would have met as a princess.

But her regret and self-denial were already fading.

The innkeeper’s left hand supported her legs and his right arm held her torso. And…

“Hh, nn

She felt indescribable arousal at the way he placed his right hand on her breast.

He was not groping it. Just barely touching it. But her body shook as he walked and that repeatedly pressed her large boob into his opened right hand.


“Ahh, ah

They were both well aware it was happening, but neither one said anything.

If she criticized him for it, she knew he would simply apologize and claim it was an accident.

So she did not mention it. That was her excuse anyway. She needed some way of telling herself it was not because she enjoyed the throbbing in her lower stomach each time her breast touched his hand.

They soon arrived on the second floor.

But instead of Tet and Makina’s room, he opened the corner room adjacent to it.

“Sorry it’s a little messy.”
That was apparently the innkeeper’s room.

There were disorderly stacks of account books and other old books around the room. Dirty clothes and trash was also strewn around and the middle-aged scent of sweat and tobacco hung over the entire place.

It was more than just “a little” messy and there was no bed, so he set her down on a blanket on the floor instead.

He could have brought her to her room, but he was obviously interested in something else.

Even if her legs were a little weak, Makina could have gotten up and walked to the next room over. And even without her staff, she could easily defeat a middle-aged man with her magic.

——But that was not what I did. It was not what I wanted to do.

“Are you comfortable there, Makina?”

Now that she was down on the “bed”, he walked back and shut the door.

Knowing what that meant, her sex curse began to glow. But the light and the curse was only visible to Makina herself.

“…! Ah

That curse on her lower stomach resembled a lewd and obscene tattoo designed to look something like a womb. It gave off a bewitching light of pink and purple while a powerful throbbing ran through her womb, her vagina, and her entire body.

She wanted to touch herself. She wanted to stick her fingers inside right that instant. She wanted to masturbate like there was no tomorrow.

“Oh, you look hot. Let’s cool you down, okay?”
The innkeeper could not see the sex curse or its light, but the arousal was impossible to miss. He crouched down over her.


He grabbed the skirt of her negligee and lifted it up. He slowly removed it like he was peeling a fruit.

But then the thin negligee caught on something and nearly stopped.

The nipples at the tip of her breasts were so painfully erect that the thin fabric caught on them and pulled her breasts further and further up.

But the innkeeper kept pulling and finally the two fruits broke free.



He cried out in joy as her tits bounced back to their normal position.

The twin mountains had such overwhelming mass and volume that he only stared at them for a while.

“These are Makina’s tits! They were impressive enough with clothes on, but this is something else entirely!”
They stood tall and kept their shape even while she lay on her back.

The pink peaks looked downright artistic to him.

“Makina! Makina! I’ve wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you!”

He had already forgotten his excuse about cooling her off.

Those twin weapons were enough to destroy a man’s rational mind in a single blow, so he finally let himself be true to his desires.

“Ahhhn, slurp!”

He roughly grabbed her left breast and sucked at the right one.

With the small pink nipple in his mouth, he began enjoying its stiffness with his tongue.

“Ah Nkhhh
It all came as a great shock to her lust-addled brain.

The caress of her breasts was enough for her hips to rise up a bit while jolts of pleasure ran along her spine.

“Fuck! They’re so soft!”

“Ah Yes My boobs Nnnn

He groped the left one by running his palm along it, grabbing it, pinching it, and squeezing it between his fingers.

With each new action, her legs and hips writhed on the floor.

But that was not the full extent of the caress.

He sucked at the right one like a baby while using his tongue quite wildly. That contrast elicited further moaning.

“Ahhn Yes, nh

Any misgivings she might have had were washed away by pleasure when he lightly bit her nipple.

“Pant, pant! Makina!”

Either he had had enough of her breasts or he could not wait a moment longer because he stripped off all of his clothes.

The moonlight from the window illuminated his nude body.

(Th-that is a man other than Tet.)

She had accidentally caught sight of Tet changing since they shared a room, but that knight and adventurer was fit and gave off a reliable and masculine charm.

But this middle-aged body was very different.

That body was the result of a more slothful life and she was about to give him access to her as-of-yet untouched body.

That sounded sinful, but also incredibly hot.

The forbidden fruits were all the sweeter.

“C’mon, Makina. You strip too. I already did it, so it’s only fair, right?”

That logic might have puzzled her normally, but it made all the sense in the world to her now.

(I’m about to have sex.)

She removed her last line of defense: her panties which were already soaked as can be.

But more than just her panties were wet. The innkeeper’s caress had aroused her body enough for sweat to soak her skin, negligee, and the blanket below her.

(I, Princess Makina Grandel, am about to lose my virginity in a filthy room to an innkeeper I barely know.)

She spread her legs wide. She let a stranger be the very first one to see her soaking-wet pussy.

The untouched labia remained tightly closed, so she spread them with her fingers. A veritable waterfall of love juices flowed out and the pink flesh within twitched.

(Ahh, I’ve done it. I’ve crossed the line. There’s no going back now. I’m sorry, Tet.)

She gulped. In that moment, the princess became merely a woman.

“Ask for it, Makina. Ask me to pleasure you.”

She could find no reason at all to refuse.

Seductive hearts appeared in her eyes and beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she pleaded him with the expression of a horny woman.

“P-please I’ve never experienced a man before But my body wants it So fill me with pleasure To the deepest part of my body❤❤

Speaking those words was like a ceremony transforming her from a pure princess to a sexual being.

And the innkeeper accepted her feelings.

He grabbed her plump and sweaty thigh with one hand, reached for his own crotch with the other hand, and lifted up the erection for her to see.

She gasped and felt like she had been woken from a dream.

——It was big. Far too big.

She realized she had never gotten a good look at a penis before. Of course she had not.

Yet she could somehow tell that the innkeeper’s was not normal.

The cock that was about to enter her was rock hard with its veins bulging out. And its brutal form, girth, and length could not be compared to a mere pencil or sausage.

“Heh heh heh. The girls at the whorehouse are quite fond of it. Although they won’t let me choose any of the less-experienced girls who can’t handle it.”

“Eh? Wait!”

Their sex organs touched with a sticky sound.

That well-used cock touched a never-used light pink fleshpot. The middle-aged man’s masculine-smelling precum mixed with the teenage princess’s female-scented love juices.

“But don’t worry! I’ll fill you with pleasure just like you asked!”

“Wait! Give me a second to-…!”

He pressed his rod up against her and held her hips in place. There was no escape. It was going to penetrate her.

And when she felt some pressure on her hips, she accepted it inside her.


A stranger’s penis entered the vaginal flesh which had never come in contact with anyone else.

Their sexual flesh rubbed together and love juices mixed with precum.


The one thrust felt like it had pushed all the air from her lungs.

As it pushed further inside, it broke her hymen, wetting her vagina and the penis with red blood.

“Hgh Wait Don’t move…yet

There was pain. But the pleasure from the sex curse was far greater. This initial sensation confused her.

“It’s like a dream come true! I just took your virginity, Makina! So I’ll take responsibility…and knock you up!”
Before long, he pulled almost all of the way out, which felt like it was going to pull out all of her organs.

But that was an illusion created by the head rubbing against her vaginal flesh.

At this point, her thoughts and the majority of her senses were no longer functioning properly.

All of her senses were focused on her lower stomach. Her vagina and womb might as well have been her entire body. She could feel herself squeezing tightly around the penis.

It should have hurt, but all of her senses gathered in the sex curse before being released back into her body as pleasure.

“Shit, Makina Ahh!! I’ve never fucked such a tight pussy!”

“Ahh Ahh Hhhn
He pounded her so hard she forgot how to talk.

She could only greedily devour the pleasure it gave her and cry out like an animal. A virgin like her did not know how to fake it. These were true moans.

With each thrust, her face melted further, drool dripped from the corner of her mouth, and she moaned erotically. That was all she could do.

No one who saw her now would have suspected she was a princess.

But she knew for a fact that she had never been happier than she was in this moment.

“Ah Ah Nh Hh Nh Ahh
They rhythmically thrust their hips together.

Her large tits bounced each time. Like ripples on the water’s surface. Like a sign of unbelievable pleasure flowing through her body with each thrust.

The innkeeper enjoyed watching that orderly but seductive titty dance.

And he leaned forward while keeping his hips moving in the missionary position.

He massaged her shaking breasts while thrusting his dick in and out of her.

“Hhhhhhn That’s too good❤❤

When he licked her nipples, her virgin vagina squeezed even tighter.

Her internal flesh was now pressed tightly against every contour of his rod. Like she wanted him to feel the exact shape of her vagina.

“Ahhh! God, you’ve got a horny pussy! It just won’t let me go! Like my cock that much, huh!?”

That seemed to please him because his hips began moving even more roughly.

He licked her nipples, her armpits, all across her breasts, and even in the sweaty cleavage and space below them.

Almost like he was marking her with his saliva, he licked the back of her thigh, the back of her knee, her plump calf, and between her toes.

“Ahh! You’re so tasty, Makina You smell and taste so good! I should really gather up your sweat and use it in a cocktail!”

“Ahhh Nhhh Hwahhh❤❤❤

Even his bizarre sexual fetish only elicited more moans from her.

Any disgust or fear she might have felt was drowned out by the pleasure.

“Do you like it? Does it feel good, Makina!?”

“Yes So good❤❤ It feels so good❤❤ Ahh❤❤ Ahn❤❤ More❤❤❤ Give me more pleas- hhhhn!?❤❤❤❤❤

He stuck his arms below her arms to bring them even closer as they fucked. With pleasure filling their faces, they looked each other in the eye like lovers.

His chest pressed against her breasts, squishing their soft fat flat.

Their nipples rubbed together as they moved.

His hips seemed to fit perfectly between her spread legs.

And then the horny princess naturally wrapped her legs around his hips as he continued thrusting. Now he could not pull out even if he wanted to.

She had no past sexual experience, but she wanted more of the pleasure that penis brought her. And her instincts told her to keep the male from escaping before he had released his seed. She desired his cum on a primitive level, not a rational one.

“Hey, Makina, stick out your tongue. Let’s kiss! Just like this

The arms reaching under arms held her head in place. That kept her from looking away from him.

But she had never even thought of saying no. He was so close she could feel his breath on her face as she stuck her pink tongue from her small mouth.


He reacted like a fish going for its food.

Her soft pink tongue entered his mouth.

“Nbhhh Nh, slurp! Ahhn Kiss Pwah

They swapped saliva. His tongue entered her mouth and licked all over the place. She greatly desired his thick tongue and his warm saliva.

And while the innkeeper kissed a girl far younger than him, his penis swelled out inside her and he accelerated his thrusting.

Her small, sweet, and soft tongue was superb. Her saliva juice was tastier and more intoxicating than any drink.

He enjoyed them both while running his tongue tip along her pure white teeth as if checking on their shape.

“Nh Slurp Lick

The combination of his size and intense thrusting would have been a lot for even a sex worker to handle, but Makina experienced it all as pleasure. Her eyes were half-lidded, but she still looked him in the eye. Her sapphire eyes were just as wet as her vagina, but these were tears of pleasure.

Instead of just locking her legs around his hips, she also wrapped her arms around him and stroked his thinning hair.

He responded by combing his hand through her blonde hair, licking her mouth and face, and whispering loving words in her ears: “Let’s stay together forever”, “I’ll make sure you’re happy”, and “I love you”.

“Ahh, I’m cumming! I’m cumming, Makina!”

“Ahh❤❤ Ahhhn❤❤ Hwah❤❤ I am too❤❤ I’m cumming❤❤❤❤❤

She accepted his tongue and cock while they rubbed their bodies together using their sweat as lotion. Only then did she realize this had been her first kiss.

Their bodies could not have been more close together, so she sensed it coming quite sharply.

She could tell his penis was preparing to ejaculate and his balls were throbbing as they got to work.

She also felt a brand new feeling pressing up from deep within her own body.

After that, she could not even think.

She could not recall her father’s face, her mother’s voice, what her kingdom’s people had looked like, or even Tet’s face.

The middle-aged man in front of her was everything in this moment. He might as well have been her entire universe.

“Ah, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

“Ahhhhhn Hnyaaaaaah I’m…!”

He thrust as deep as possible and then released all of his desire within her.


The ejaculation seemed to last both an eternity and an instant and the heat melting her womb nearly caused her eyes to roll back in her head.

After he thrust a few more times to pump out every last drop, they spent a while catching their breath while still joined together.

“Pant, pant, pant Ah Hh

“Damn that was good, Makina. None of the girls at the whorehouse even come close.”

Once they had caught their breath, he pulled out of her.

A sticky mixture of blood, love juices, and semen glopped out and fell to the blanket.

But she did not wipe it up or even consider the risk of pregnancy. Her thoughts had not recovered enough yet.

She simply basked in the floating feeling and utter happiness she had never before experienced.

Before she had been carried to this room, she had been so very worried about what society would think of her, her own duty as a princess, and guilt over betraying Tet.

But now that she had experienced it, it was an utterly wonderful thing.

——On that day, I learned that even the joys of delicious food, beautiful clothes, and a warm bed pale in comparison the pleasures brought by sex.

But at the same time, she felt anger that this had been hidden from her just because she was a princess.

How was that fair?

Why had no one told her sex felt so good?

Those of noble birth were not to casually indulge in sexual acts. Although in practice that only seemed to apply to the women.

They were meant to marry a single person, have relations with that person a few times to leave behind an heir, and that would be it. As a princess, that would likely have been the extent of her sex life.

But that had changed.

She had learned and experienced something she never would have as a princess.

“Thank you…so much

It may have been far from an ideal first time and far from an ideal first partner, but she smiled at this new discovery that was sure to change her life for the better.

She also felt certain this would quiet the throbbing of the sex curse for a while. She had no proof of it, but she somehow knew.

“Heh heh. No, thank you. …Now, how about round two?”

The innocent princess doubted her ears. Especially when she already felt so satisfied.

He had cum so much, but was he really going to do it some more? Was sex really something that could have multiple “rounds”?

But the maintained girth and length of his penis told her everything she needed to know.

She had underestimated the lust of a middle-aged man. But the sight of that erection set the sex curse throbbing once more.

“You can do it…again?”
“I’ve wanted to do this since I first met you! And you’re leaving tomorrow, so I’m not stopping at just two or three times. I’ll fuck you till morning!”

“Until morning!? But I really do need to get some sleep.”

The thought excited her, but she was also unsure about the idea.

To buy time to think, she tried to get to her feet, but her legs were still weak from before.

She crawled over to the wall to prop herself up on it as she stood up, but she realized too late her crawling position placed her pussy right in front of his face. And it was dripping with new love juices.

“Looks like you’re ready for round two too!”


He grabbed her butt, wrapped his thick arms around her waist, and pulled her back.

Back toward his penis which penetrated her from behind this time.


The heat and pressure pushed a loud cry from her throat. And then he began thrusting his hips.

His hips pounded against her large peach-shaped butt. She could feel the shape and length of his penis all the more clearly as he roughly thrust it in and out of her from behind.

With his masculine strength holding her hips in place, she could only sit there and accept his pistoning.

“Oh, god yes, Makina! Your pussy is amazing!”

“Oh Ahh Ngh Ghhhh

She was already crying out like an animal. Her moans were even more intense than last time.

Being taken from behind reminded her of what she had seen her mother doing, which only aroused her further.

“Nhah Nhhh Ahhh So So deep So deep❤❤Yes Yeeeessss

His cum from before joined her love juices as a lubricant, so an obscenely sticky sound echoed through the room.

She listened to that while burying her face in his old blanket. A powerful male smell filled her nostrils.

Since it was her second time, she was slightly less overwhelmed than the first time and she could focus on the sounds and smells more. Every one of her senses contributed to her arousal.

“Makina, your back is so beautiful.”


He licked her sweaty back which was as white as a snowy field.

And while running his tongue along her, he sniffed at her long blonde hair, licked behind her ear, and lightly bit her earlobe.

“Hh My ear My earrrr

The ticklishness transformed into a tingling pleasure and she could not close her mouth she was moaning so much.

Drool dripped from her opened mouth and onto the blanket. When she looked down at the small pool forming there, she also saw how much her large breasts were bouncing back and forth.

Every time his hips hit her butt, a ripple ran through her butt and those two melons shook. And since she was on all fours now, gravity caused her boobs to look even bigger than last time.

“Ahh, goddamn! I can’t believe a teen has tits like this!”

He reached his hands around and began groping her breasts. His thick fingers sank into their soft flesh.

He enjoyed those young-but-fully-grown melons by molding their shape in his hands.

Then he pinched her nipples.

“Hhhhh My nipples

He showed those painfully-erect nipples plenty of love.

And each time he pounded her from behind, the tips of her nipples rubbed against the rough blanket.

The innkeeper must have wanted to enjoy them even more because he passed his right arm below them and his left arm above them by her collarbones.

Then he pushed his arms together to squeeze her tits.

Her shapely breasts pushed out enough to resemble eggplants or gourds.

“Ahh, I’m cumming, I’m cumming again!”

“Hhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhh❤❤

He pressed down on her back and sped up as he prepared to release his seed.

All of her vaginal flesh worked to pleasure him, her cervix opened up, and her womb awaited his extra-thick middle-aged semen.

After she felt him thrust especially deep as if taking aim, lots of lust magma erupted out.

“…! Ohhh!!”


She could have sworn she could feel the blood flowing through the veins bulging out from his rod, the cum surging out, and each individual sperm swimming through it.

Once that animalistic sex was over, the innkeeper…did not remove his penis.

He kept it inside her as if to plug her up and prevent even a drop from escaping.

She had gone limp after he cummed inside her, but he supported her lower stomach and lifted her onto her feet.

“Ah? Eh?”

She was unsure what was happening as she stood up while still penetrated.

She leaned against the wall in front of her for support and her forehead bumped lightly into it.

“Look, Makina. Do you see it?”


With her face, chest, and hands pressed against the wall, she should have only seen the wall’s brown color.


But she found a small hole in the wall.

And that hole gave a view of the adjacent room – the one she was renting out and the one where Tet was currently asleep in bed.


She quietly called his name.

But at that exact moment, he thrust balls-deep inside her once more.


He started fucking her from behind again. All the semen and love juices acted as lubricant for an even smoother pistoning than before.

Even after cumming twice, his lust showed no sign of fading.

“I’ve been watching from that hole all this time. I know how many changes of clothes and of underwear you have. And I know you pleasure yourself at night after Tet has been drinking!”
“Oh Ahe Hahh Nhhhh Ahhhh

She was not even listening to his disturbing confession.

She was simply staring at Tet’s sleeping face while taking another man’s cock from behind.

If she called out to him, he would wake up. And he would stop the innkeeper.

He would cut down the innkeeper, speak kind words to her, and continue to faithfully serve her.

——In that moment, I was given a chance to turn back. A chance to change my mind.

The option was right there.

“Phew. My hips are getting tired.”

“Eh? Ah?”

All of a sudden, the innkeeper stopped his wild thrusting and pulled his dick out of her.

The pressure vanished and cum dripped from her crotch while she kept her hands on the wall.

It felt like a great loss.

“Why did you…stop?”

“Oh? You wanted more?”


There was a sly grin on his lips. This was a trap. A bargain.

Instead of simply having his way with her body, he had given it to her until she was used to it and then pulled out.

If she wanted more of this, she would have to actively ask for it. She had to make an active choice instead of a passive one.



She gave in. She knew it was a trick, but she still gave in.

——I couldn’t possibly choose to stop there.

“Please don’t pull out I want it I need it Have lots, lots, lots more sex with me❤❤ Please❤❤❤

She grabbed her own butt and spread her labia to part that flesh.

She showed off a pussy soaked with cum and pussy juices and wiggled her big butt side to side to seduce him.

The mixed sex juices dripped from her pussy and her mouth hung partially open with her pink tongue sticking out. Drool dripped from her tongue as she pleaded him for the only thing she wanted right now: sex. Instead of a pleasure-addicted slut, she had the look of a bitch in heat.

“Well, if you insist!”

He thrust into her and began the third round of sex.

“Ah Ahh Yesssss❤❤❤ Ahhhhh This is what I wanted❤❤❤❤❤

Her slender white body gave off sweat and female pheromones while she was pinned between the thin wall and the middle-aged man.

“I feel a little bad doing this to your boyfriend Tet! But how could I not fuck such a hot girl when you’re offering it!? Ahhhh, Makina! Makina, Makina!”

“Nhhhh❤❤ Hyaaaaahn❤❤❤❤

Tet was not her boyfriend. The boy she could see sleeping through the peephole was not her lover, her family, her companion, or her comrade. Their bond was nothing as ordinary as that.

They were tied by unnamed bonds stronger than that.

She cared about him more than anyone else in the world.

So did she have to remain the ideal princess to remain with him?

“Makina, have my babies! I’ll expand the inn, so you’ll have everything you could want! So I’ll fill you with my seed and knock you up! Makinaaaaa!”


No, she did not.

Her legs and hips shook and her body felt like a living puppet controlled by the innkeeper. Love juices flowed from her pussy as she felt like a sex toy given life just to be fucked.

She was not a princess right now. For tonight, she could be a hole for a man to stick his penis inside. And it felt so damn good.


The purple light of the sex curse on her lower stomach glowed even brighter and the night’s greatest wave of orgasm washed over her.

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Ohhhhhhhh!!”


All the milkiness released inside her whited out her womb, her mind, and her vision.

For some reason, she remembered when Tet had promised to serve her for as long as he lived.

She passed out, but when she came to, she and the innkeeper began yet another round and continued fucking until light entered the sky.

When Tet woke up, it was past time to leave.

He scrambled out of bed and the headache told him all the drinking he had done last night was to blame.

He had drunk far too much since it was his last night with the friends he had made at the inn’s pub.

His master, the princess he adored and served as a knight of Grandel, was already donning her witch’s hat.

“Good morning, Tet.”

“Princess! Good morn-…no! I am so very sorry! How could a knight like me oversleep!?”
He paled and apologized, but Makina did not seem to mind.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ‘princess’? And isn’t a bit of…intemperance one of the advantages of being an adventurer?”

Makina gave a mischievous smile, which filled Tet with respect and reflection.

She was so loving and she would approach anyone equally. He was always impressed by how perfectly she embodied the values passed down through Grandel’s long history.



“Princess. I swear I will save Grandel and all its people from that odious sorcerer.”

He kneeled and gave her a serious look before bowing low.

In an act of utmost respect and loyalty, he swore anew that he would restore their kingdom.

“Our journey has only just begun. So I wanted to inform you that my loyalty will not waver even as we masquerade as adventurers.”

Until now, he had lost his focus and simply enjoyed being a traveler.

But that was not why they were out here. This was a dangerous journey meant to save their kingdom and defeat a great evil.

No matter how much they began acting like adventurers and no matter how close they grew to anyone else, there was only one person for whom he would swing his sword and to whom he would dedicate his entire being. He could not lose sight of that.


In order to respond appropriately, she put on a serious expression of her own and held her right palm out toward his head.

“My knight, Tet Chrom. So that your loyalty might reward the soul of our kingdom, I command you in the name of Makina Grandel to wield your noble blade in my service. …Let’s continue our journey together, Tet.”

“As you wish!”

But she still relaxed the atmosphere right at the end.

Tet bowed once more and then stood up with a refreshing smile on his face.

“I will be right back after washing my face, Makina. I will be prepared to depart in no time.”

“Of course!”

She utterly adored the boy she watched leave the room.

He was the greatest servant and the best childhood friend.

She could search the entire world and never find a knight as noble and ambitious as him.


So why did she feel so guilty when he was with her?


She clenched her teeth and held her breath as she suppressed the feeling.

Now was not the time for that. And when she thought back to her behavior last night, it almost felt like the acts of a different person entirely.

Once they defeated that loathsome sorcerer to save their kingdom, would that sex curse be broken? And if it was, would she no longer feel the urge to act like that?

There was only one way to find out.

If she was to remain the best possible master for Tet, she would have to keep that side of herself inside.

She decided to seal away the side of her that had risen to the surface last night.

She could never reveal that lustful and horny Makina. At least not to Tet.

“Sob, are you really leaving? I’ll miss you.”

“Thank you for everything, Amanda.”

In front of the combination inn and pub, Tet and Makina said goodbye to the people they had gotten to know over the past few weeks.

The other inn guests and regulars had gathered on the street before work to give their own farewells.

“Take good care of Makina, Tet!”

“Dammit, did you really have to show off like that last night!?’

“I don’t think he really meant to show off.”

“Either way, I’m jealous as fuck!”

“The thing to say at times like this is ‘sounds like you had fun last night’!”

“Ga ha ha! Anyway, have fun you two, but try to keep it a little quieter next time!”

“Hm? Okay, if you say so.”

A question mark hovered over Tet’s head as the men surrounded him.

He could tell they did not want to say goodbye and they were trying to be cheerful as they saw him off, but it felt like they kept referencing something without quite coming out and saying what it was.

But he had no idea what that could be, so he simply accepted heir words and politely thanked them all one at a time.

Meanwhile, Makina said goodbye to the man she had “gotten to know” a lot better last night.

“Okay, Makina. Make sure you stay at my place if you’re ever in town again.”

“I’ll think about it. I know I can expect a warm welcome, after all.”

She shook the inkeeper’s hand while working to maintain the same tone and expression as when she said goodbye to the others.

Now that it was daytime, she tried to act like nothing had happened and they were no closer to each other than before.


But the innkeeper strengthened his grip on her hand and whispered in her ear so the others could not hear.

“I’ll make sure you have a very enjoyable time.”


Those words brought a twinge of fear, a pang of guilt, and a throbbing in her womb.

The sex curse reacted somewhat even though it normally was not active at this time of day.

“I doubt I will ever return to this town.”

He accepted those parting words with a grin.

And that ended their conversation.

Makina took Tet’s hand and they set off on a new journey.

After leaving the inn and the town, the two of them walked down a road cutting across a field.

In their pursuit of the dark sorcerer who had destroyed their kingdom, they were on their way to Britannica’s royal capital. There were more people and sources of information there than anywhere else, so it was perfect when searching for someone.

But it was a long way there and they were sure to run across countless obstacles along the way.


One obstacle appeared before them now as if to show just how treacherous a journey it would be.

“Is that what I think it is!?”

Small green figures raced across the field.

They held weapons and their red eyes glittered as they approached the two adventurers.

“A mob of goblins!? Is this because of the ones from yesterday!?”
Tet drew his sword and took the vanguard position while Makina raised her staff.

Goblins were monsters with a social structure much like humans, so they would mourn their killed friends and hate the humans who had done it.

These must have known the ones Makina and Tet had defeated the day before. They approached while fully intent on revenge.

“10…15…no, 20!”

Even Tet felt a cold sweat.

He could handle 5 or 6 without breaking a sweat, but if 20 attacked at once, he was not confident he could escape unscathed.

Even with Tet’s sword and Makina’s magic talent, this was simply too many.

“Frozen Blast!”

But then several ice spears flew from behind Tet.




One after another, the goblins died after being pierced by an ice spear.

Then ice shards covered the field like snow and the battle ended with the goblins’ corpses and blood staining that whiteness.

“What was that!?”

Tet turned back in shock.

“Um, eh!? I…!”

But Makina’s eyes were also wide with shock.

Creating such thick ice pillars and in such great number required incredible skill, but she was still relatively inexperienced.

And in fact, she had never before managed to use such difficult magic.

Why could she use this new magic all of a sudden? Only one option came to mind.

What had changed since yesterday? What had she done differently? What had she experienced for the first time?


But she rejected the idea as absurd. If that was true, it had some horrifying implications.

“Um, uh! T-Tet!”

“Such splendid magic, princess!”


“When did you learn such powerful magic!? Oh, wait. Um, if you have been training so much, I need to redouble my efforts!”

He seemed to be trying his best to treat her as an equal partner, but he could not keep the admiration and excitement from his voice as he praised her “training”.

“Eh? Y-yes…I did some s-special training. That’s what I did.”

Using powerful magic did require talent, but research and hard work were even more important.

So Tet naturally assumed this magic was the result of his master’s continual hard work.

Anyone would assume the same. They would never even consider another answer.

Makina alone knew the truth. But how was she to accept that this rapid increase in skill and magic power had likely been caused by doing that? She held her lower stomach and paled as she considered it.


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