
Magical Princess Makina: Chapter 3 - Wells Volcano Mine

Just as the mountain streams area provided the Village of Fire and Water with its water, the volcano area provided the fire.

The subterranean water was heated by the daily eruptions of magma and a great variety of ores could be found in the mines.

Inside the sweltering coal mine and quarry, men worked up a sweat and risked their lives swinging pickaxes day and night.

That was why they gave such harsh looks to the adventurers who showed up chasing the rumors of a rare ore discovered here: “Not again”, “It’s not that easy”, 

“This isn’t a kids’ playground”, etc.

They were simply not going to welcome an adventurer who showed up in the mine wearing a skirt.

“I have an official mining quest acceptance form from the guild! And an adventurer’s ID! So…!”

“Oh, you misunderstand. We’re not turning you away, Miss Adventurer. We’re just trying to say you aren’t going to find anymore Dexite here. You don’t want to waste your time, do you?”
Makina had come alone to the volcano region to save poisoned Tet.

But the stone she needed for the antidote – Dexite – had already been mined out.

But she had expected this. She had been gambling on a small possibility from the start.

“I don’t care if it’s unlikely! I have to find some no matter what!”

“You’re in a real pickle, then.”

A miner wearing a helmet carved out of monster bone wiped sweat and soot from his face with a towel.

The adventurer calling herself Makina spoke and acted like the daughter of a well-to-do family. It seemed unlikely she had ever been to a mine or even held a pickaxe or shovel.

But her passion…no, drive to find the ore was greater than the average adventurer. Her fundamental goal was different from the rumor-chasers hoping to strike it rich.

He started to want to help her out and they could not reject an official guild quest anyway.

“Yeah, but…the odds really are slim.”

“Boss~, why not ask Coltra if it really is hopeless or not?”

“Hm? Oh, that’s not a bad idea… Hey! Coltra!”

On the younger miner’s suggestion, the site supervisor called for someone named Coltra.

A man loading scrap rock into a trolley turned around and walked over with shovel in hand.

“…What is it, boss…?”

He wore the same work uniform as the others and his face was dark with soot.

He was only in his late twenties, but his large build and deeply chiseled face made him look even older.

However, he was soft-spoken and had a quiet presence about him.

“This young lady says she wants some Dexite.”

“…That ore is already mostly gone…”

“I told her that, but she refuses to back down. Isn’t there anything we can do?”

“………………There…might be…”

“Oh, for real?”


Makina’s tone rose as expectation filled her. Just as she thought it was hopeless, she had seen a glimmer of hope.

“If you have a…magic staff and plenty of…magic power…”

“Eh? O-oh, yes! Magic is my specialty!”

“Then you can…dig in the…deeper part of the mine…”


He spoke so quietly and intermittently that it was hard to tell what he was trying to say.

But the veteran supervisor understood and slapped Coltra on his large back.

“Okay! Then we’ll leave you with Coltra! You get to do magimining today! We’ll get back to our normal work!”
“Work hard~” added the younger miner.

“Eh…? Um…! I-I…!”

The supervisor and younger miner returned to the area where the many other miners were working.

After being assigned this new job – or really, having it shoved onto him – Coltra stared blankly after them and reached a hand out toward the supervisor’s back.

But his hand only grabbed at empty air and his muscular body seemed to shrink.

Makina did not know what to do now that she was left with Coltra. She looked up at the depressed-looking man and introduced herself.

“U-um, my name is Makina. So your name is Coltra?”


With that, her mining quest had begun.

Dexite was classified as a Special Ore due to its rarity and powerful antidote properties.

Items known as magitools were used to dig out those Special Ores and jewels found deep in the mine.

One of those was a special pickaxe. By holding it and imbuing it with magic power, the blade would vibrate rapidly enough to smash right through the hard bedrock.

Using a magitool for mining work was known as magimining.

It had taken all of Makina’s morning for Coltra to explain all of that to her.

Even though every second counted. But she had decided it was best to be properly informed before working in a dangerous mine and she had calmly heard him out.

“Thank you for the instructions!”

“…You’re welcome…”

During the afternoon, Makina put on a baggy work uniform, donned a helmet, and completed her preparations.

Inside the lantern-lit mine, she swung the pickaxe down as hard as she could.

“I just have to keep digging like this, right!?”


His silence meant yes. She had figured that out during the morning.

When there was some kind of problem or she had something wrong, he would correct her, even if he could be hard to hear. That was just the kind of person he was.

“This pickaxe is incredible!”
She had never used a magitool before and she was surprised by how useful it was.

She was far from muscular, but even she could break right through rock walls a normal pickaxe could not have dented.

She got into a rhythm and poured in magic power to dig her way deeper.

Coltra also swung a pickaxe and, when the worthless scrap rocks piled up, he would load them onto a trolley and roll them out.

(Wait for me, Tet!)

In the thin oxygen and volcanic heat, the princess pictured the face of her beloved servant and continued the sweaty physical labor.

The whistle indicating the end of the work day echoed through the mine.

“…That is all…for today.”

“Th-thank goodness~”

The sweaty and filthy princess staggered out of the mine while using the pickaxe as a cane.

The area was dyed red, but she was unsure whether that was due to the sunset or the flames of the erupting volcano. That was just how exhausted she was.

“Oh, there you are, Coltra! And the adventurer girl too! If you got through your first day without collapsing, you might have what it takes after all!”

The site supervisor laughed, but it did not sound like his praise was really a joke or flattery.

Without the pickaxe magitool, she could never have broken through the stone with her strength.

At first, she had been swinging it as hard as she could in order to save Tet, but its weight had gradually worn her out and using it had consumed her magic power. She had come to understand that its use of magic power was its greatest strength and weakness.

For a mage, expending magic power was the same as expending stamina. Casting powerful magic or keeping a magitool active for a long period of time was the same as throwing a powerful punch or running a marathon.

“Come to think of it, this is the first time I’ve ever continually used magic for so long…”

She felt like she was completely drained as her first day in the mine came to a close.

“So did you find any Dexite?”


“…We found some other ores…so there is still a possibility…”

Makina was too short on breath to answer properly.

Coltra had been swinging a pickaxe magitool for as long as she had and he was sweaty, but he did not seem worn out. He still spoke quietly, though.

That would be why he was working here. Faced with the difference between an amateur and a pro’s stamina, Makina’s shoulders slumped at their lack of results.

“Well, as long as there’s more of that vein, you never know what you’ll find! Keep at it, miss!”

“Boss, where’s Makina gonna stay tonight? We took down all the tents for adventurers.”

“Oh, crap! I forgot about that!”

The site supervisor appeared to have forgotten about Makina’s lodging arrangements as much as she had. He looked a little panicked.

They had set up a bunch of tents for the adventurers who had arrived back when the Dexite was showing up, but they had all been removed. And Makina could not exactly sleep outdoors at a volcano.

The miners either went back home or stayed at an inn at the foot of the mountain.

“But I’d rather not have you stay at an inn full of sex-starved men. And we might be used to descending the mountain every evening and climbing it every morning, but that’s probably too much for you.”

Makina nodded in agreement with that. She doubted she could take another step, so descending the mountain was out of the question.

“Boss, then why not have her stay in Coltra’s shack?”

“Oh, great idea. Let’s go with that.”
“Coltra’s shack?”

“…!? Wait…that’s not a good idea…!”

It was Coltra himself who protested, but Makina was too exhausted to listen.

“You’ve got bunk beds in there, right? That settles it. Good night, you two.”

“Good night!” said the younger miner. “Don’t worry, Makina. Coltra has trouble with women…no, he’s just not interested in them at all. He always turns down our invitations to pick up chicks in the hot springs town or visit a brothel. He’s probably one of those people. I feel like he’s got his eyes on me sometimes.”


She was not entirely sure what that meant, but it apparently meant Coltra was harmless.

“I’m headed back too! See you, tomorrow~”


With the day’s work complete, the site supervisor and younger miners left.

Coltra reached a hand out toward their departing backs, but it only grabbed at empty air.


Makina was unsure what to do now that she was once more left behind with Coltra. For now, she looked up at the depressed-looking man next to her.

“U-um, Coltra? So you have somewhere for me to stay?”

The first day of work was complete and their first night alone together began.

“Sighhhh~ I’m so tired.”

There was a worker’s shack right next to the mine.

It would have felt cramped with even three people and Makina let out a voice of heartfelt exhaustion and relief.

She knew it was inappropriate, but she flopped right down on the somewhat dusty bed.

The shack was a night shift room for those working in the volcano.

Someone had to stay here and watch for anyone engaging in illegal mining not approved by the guild or other authorities. Simply letting everyone know the shack was always occupied could prevent a lot of crime.

“…You worked…hard today…”

At the moment, Coltra, who was lying on the top bunk, was the master of the shack.

The miners normally took shifts, but he always slept here and never asked to stay in the inn at the base of the mountain.

He said he preferred being alone and the other miners hated sleeping in that hot and cramped shack, so it was win-win for everyone involved.

“Thank you so much for everything, Coltra. Please assist me tomorrow too!”

She spoke toward the ceiling above her while wearing a rough outfit of a white short-sleeved shirt and black shorts.

Coltra was lying on the top bunk above her, but she only heard a quiet “I will” in response.

He seemed to have trouble speaking with others and she did not want to force him.

And after eating dinner and taking a shower, her exhausted body demanded rest.

(Come to think of it…)

She realized she had not felt the sex curse’s effects all day. Even though she had been surrounded by so many muscular men.

On that first day, she had been entirely focused on finding the ore necessary to save Tet.

And now that the day’s work was complete, her entire body was too tired to think about anything sexual. It was weird.

“I never would have imagined this was a solution.”

Her eyelids gradually closed.

Not even the holy water of the Cleansing Basin had eliminated the sex curse’s effect, yet physical exhaustion was doing the trick.

It was simple, but being too tired for sex was effective.

She decided to work hard tomorrow and find the Dexite while remaining pure of mind.

And she finally drifted off with that pleasant exhaustion.

“Good morning! I’m ready for another day of work!”

On the second day, Makina and Coltra were already ready to go when the other miners arrived from the inn at the base of the volcano. They got started on the magimining before anyone else was working.

They swung their magical pickaxes again, carted out the worthless stone, and dug ever deeper.

They made good progress while taking breaks for water, but the longer they went without finding the desired ore, the more the weariness and impatience grew.

“Excuse me, Coltra.”


“It’s so hot in here, so do you mind if I remove my jacket?”

“…Go ahead…”

Every worker was issued a fireproof and sturdy work uniform to prevent injuries and burns.

But wearing it for so long left you dripping with sweat, so most of them removed the jacket.

Just like the men, Makina could bear it no longer and stripped down to the white short-sleeved shirt below. Having her lovely white arms exposed felt a little better.


She picked back up her pickaxe and resumed digging.


But she did not realize that removing the jacket had slightly increased how much skin she had exposed.

Her unbelievably large and bewitching chest was all the harder to ignore.

And each time she swung the pickaxe, her boobs jiggled with the movement.

She was so focused on the harsh work and her goal of saving Tet that she forgot to consider her surroundings.

And most of all, she did not feel Coltra’s gaze on her.

For the second day in a row, she completed the day’s work without feeling the sex curse’s throbbing.

“Another day with nothing to show for it.”

“…There is still…a chance…”

Just like the first day, they did not find any Dexite.

They found other ores and jewels, so Coltra and the other miners said there was a good chance she would find some eventually.

But it was all up to luck, so she would have to continue working her butt off like this.

“…? What is that?”


Once back in the shack, Makina sat in the bottom bunk and massaged her tired legs while wearing short-sleeves and shorts again.

Once he had cleared the table after dinner, Coltra sat on the floor and pulled out some kind of rod.

“This is… This too is a magitool…”

It looked like a club or like the pestle used with a mortar and one end was somewhat swollen.

She slapped her own cheek when she started thinking it looked an awful lot like a penis.


“Oh, it’s nothing. Ignore that.”

According to Coltra’s faltering explanation, it was apparently a massager.

The one end was a little larger because a round piece of ore was attached and wrapped in the soft skin of a Poison Frog. Just like the pickaxes they had been using, that ore vibrated when filled with magic power.

“…Try it.”

He handed her the massager and she sent it some magic power. Sure enough, the magitool’s end began to vibrate.


Her eyes lit up at this chance to try out a new item. She had never imagined the same thing powering the pickaxes could be used like this.

She hesitantly tried pressing the vibrating massager to her shoulder.

“Hn…!? Hh, ahhhh~!”

A pleasant sensation different from a caress or sex spread from her shoulder to the rest of her body. It felt like having an expert masseuse rapidly massaging her shoulder.

A silly voice escaped her lips and she handed the device back with her face flushed with embarrassment.

But she was instantly hooked on this new form of “pleasure”.

“Th-that’s incredible! U-um…could I borrow it again later?”
“…If you want…”

Makina and Coltra started taking turns using the massager’s vibration to loosen up their stiff and tired muscles.

“Ahh~ I love this~ I’m definitely buying one of these when I get back to the hot spring town~”


Makina had again let down her guard without noticing.

When she pressed the massager against her body, its vibration caused her large chest to jiggle.

What would a man think seeing her use that while wearing an outfit that left her slender arms and legs bare?

But unlike the innkeeper or Tact, Coltra showed no interest in that way.

Instead of focusing on this member of the opposite sex, he simply continued pressing the vibrating magitool against his body with a look of relaxed satisfaction.

On the third day, Makina again worked in the mine from early morning to evening.

She must have gotten the hang of it because she found some jewels that were supposedly hard for beginners to excavate. As far as rarity was concerned, they were even more valuable than the ore she was searching for.

But she still found none of the crucial Dexite.

The doctor had said he could keep Tet alive for 10 days, but she could not afford to waste even a single day. Her impatience only grew.

But there was one major change.

But that change had occurred in the shack instead of the mine.


It was late at night and the lights were already out.

Her sleep had been shallow because the heat and humidity made it hard to sleep.

She woke up when she sensed something out of the ordinary.


(What is that?)

The bunk beds were shaking slightly.

She initially thought it was an earthquake. They were near the volcano, so tremors from an eruption were not uncommon.

But this was different. She could just barely here Coltra’s voice from the top bunk and it appeared to be just the bed shaking.

And without warning, the shaking stopped. Coltra pulled up his pants and his blanket and it was over.

(Was that…?)

But Makina did not overlook what had happened.

The rhythmic shaking, the quiet voice, and…a faint scent.

(I-it couldn’t be…but…)

When she thought about it, it was only natural for a man to do that.

And even she had pleasured herself while Tet was sleeping in the same room.

It was perfectly normal and unavoidable when staying in the same room.

(W-well, he is a man.)

She was really just surprised.

She had been told he was not interested in women and he had shown no sign of interest, so she had not expected this.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt the sex curse throbbing.

But she was too physically exhausted to feel like getting up

Once again, the night ended uneventfully.

On the fourth day, she kept an eye on Coltra after what had happened the previous night. She realized that there were indeed signs of interest.

When she removed her jacket, he glanced over at her and immediately looked away.

When she swung the pickaxe harder than normal and intentionally showed off her chest or underarm, he quickly turned the other way.

Instead of having no interest in the female body, he seemed to be actively working to avoid it.

And that tendency remained while they chatted with the other miners during a break.

“So how are things going, Makina!? Has Coltra tried anything funny staying in that shack with you!?”

“Boss~, there’s no chance of that! This is Coltra we’re talking about.”

“Th-that’s right! Coltra has been an excellent teacher and a perfect gentleman!”

“Yeah, I only know of two people who would attack a woman the instant he saw her: you or the Royal Capital Rapist!”

“Oh, c’mon, boss~ Do I really look like the kind of scum that would get thrown in prison for raping 30 women~?”

“Gah hah hah!”

“Th-the Royal Capital…what?”

She had initially felt overwhelmed by all the shocking words they would throw around while chatting, but now she felt comfortable enough to at least ask a question while blushing.

She also wanted to know anything she could about the royal capital since she planned to head there after saving Tet.

“Oh, you hadn’t heard, Makina? Half a year ago, some piece of shit caused some trouble in the royal capital of Londomern.”

“He’s some sex criminal who roamed the streets at night attacking any girl he happened across. But the knights finally caught him and threw him in prison.”

“Attacking women? There are some awful people out there, aren’t there?”

“You should be careful, Makina! All guys have a beast inside us and anyone would start drooling in front of an exquisite cut of meat like you.”

“Hey, boss~ Saying stuff like that counts as sexual harassment these days.”

“For real? Then let’s make Makina the next site supervisor once I’m fired!”

“Hee hee hee. I wouldn’t know how.”

She had only been here for four days, but she was already enjoying herself speaking with the miners.


On the other hand, Coltra only ever polished his pickaxe in the corner, never trying to join in the chatting or crude joking.

But Makina did notice him glancing her way whenever those topics came up or the focus was on her.

Still, she never saw anything conclusive. At the end of the fourth day, she could only say he had some kind of interest he was not allowing to the surface.

Night fell.

Coltra followed his usual system of getting food from the inn at the foot of the volcano and then returning the dishes afterwards.

After he had returned both their sets of dishes, sleep was the only thing left on his schedule. But when he opened the door of the shack…

“Oh, welcome back, Coltra. Thanks for always taking care of the dishes like that.”

He saw Makina in a thin negligee holding the massager to her shoulders.

He knew she had not brought many changes of clothing with her.

And he had told her she was free to use the vibrating magitool.

But the camisole left her cleavage almost entirely exposed and he briefly froze when he saw her in a much more revealing outfit than before.

The vibration of the magitool caused her breasts to shake.

He could see her navel and the curves of her waist through the thin material and he could glimpse her panties whenever she moved her bare legs.

“Nh, ahh… This feels so good

She voiced her enjoyment of the massager and the scent of a freshly-showered girl filled the small shack.

But he said nothing and quickly climbed to the top bunk like he was barely restraining himself from something.


That was how the fourth night began for the two of them.

After some time, Makina woke up to the creaking of the bed.

(Th-there he is.)

The sex curse tattoo was glowing, but she did not open her eyes.

She rolled over to turn her back toward the man standing by her bed.


She heard heavy breathing and a rhythmic rubbing sound.

The sex curse was already reacting, but she could not give in. She had succumbed to the temptation with Tact and that had placed Tet in danger.

So this time, she would do nothing. If she let herself wake up, she might indulge in her carnal desires once more.

The “Makina” in this shack was fast asleep after a tiring day of work.

But it was none of her concern what someone else might decide to do.

That was how she decided to view this.



She heard some kind of liquidbeing forcefully released behind her.


She rolled over as naturally as she could manage. She was now facing up toward the top bunk, but she kept her eyes closed.

The man in the darkness seemed surprised at first, but when she showed no sign of waking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he noticed something else.

By rolling onto her back, the girl had “accidentally” emphasized the two hills within the negligee.


After some hesitation, the man seemed to make up his mind.

A large shadow reached out.

A solid hand with a hint of male scent still on it softly touched her left breast.


She did not wake up. After all, she was “fast asleep” right now.

She did not give in to the sex curse. The only person succumbing to their lust was the man, Coltra.


He touched it like it was a delicate piece of glasswork or like he was appraising a precious gem.

He gently massaged her breast and she could tell he was being careful and trying not to wake her.

He seemed to be stroking his dick with his right hand while his left hand massaged her boob.

“Pant! Pant! It’s so soft!”
His breathing grew heavier, his masturbation grew faster, and his massage grew bolder.

With a tug at her negligee, her bare tits came into view.

“Ah Ah

Even in her “sleep”, an alluring tone entered her breaths. She could feel his hand more vividly with her eyes closed.

His hand seemed to be checking the size, softness, smoothness, and sweatiness.

As the nipple grew hard, he pinched it between his fingers like he was picking a flower and he stroked up and down like it was a penis.

“… Hh Ahn

She nearly opened her eyes from the pleasure. She wanted to hand everything over to the instincts aroused by the sex curse.

But she still managed to restrain her voice, stay still, and leave herself a target of Coltra’s desire.



After an especially strong squeeze of her breast and nipple, he released his desire.

The ejaculation sounded louder in her ears than the eruption of the distant volcano.

The thick cum felt as hot as magma as it splattered all over her thigh.

Once it was over, he must have managed to calm down some.

He quickly let go of her chest, wiped the semen from her thigh, and quietly returned to the top bunk so she would not notice.


It must have been too dark for him to notice all the pussy juices flowing from her crotch.

But even with the sex curse activated so strongly, she did not get up and attack him.

She was working here to save Tet, so it was not the time for sex. She had managed to maintain her resolve for another night.

“Hee hee


If he came to her like tonight, that was out of her hands, wasn’t it? The darkness of the night hid the sexual smile on her lips.

Early on the 5th day of work, they finally found some Dexite.

But it was far too small a quantity.

The doctor had said a piece at least as large as a human fist was needed to heal Tet. This small pebble of Dexite was not enough.

“And after I finally found some!”

“…Since you found some…there is probably…more further in…”

Coltra was right. Even if it was small, they had found some. It was only a matter of time before she had as much as she wanted.

But then they hit a literal wall.

The bedrock up ahead was so hard that even the magic-imbued pickaxe had trouble breaking through.

Makina and Coltra had yet to recover their magic power after working so many days in a row, so this solid layer greatly slowed their mining pace.

“At this rate, Tet won’t make it.”

Her impatience finally grew to a fear for the worst.

——But what if I relied on the sex curse’s power and gave my magic a boost with a man’s semen?

She shook her head to clear that silly idea from her mind.

Even if it would boost her magic or teach her new magic, the Princess of Grandel could not spread her legs that readily. Not again, anyway.

But at the same time, she could see no other solution.

The fifth day ended without them finding anything more than the small pebble of Dexite.

“Okay, good night!

“Good night, boss~”

“Good night, everyone! See you again tomorrow!”

“Huh? Oh, right. Makina, I guess we never told you we take tomorrow off, did we?”

She was used to the routine now, but while saying good night to the miners after the day’s work, a younger miner told her about their schedule.

“We work for five days and then take two days off. You just happened to arrive on our first day back from the days off. Since we’ve been working for five days now, the entire mine will be shut down tomorrow.”


“I know you’re in a hurry, but your stamina and magic are at their limit, aren’t they? Get some rest tomorrow and maybe you can convince the mine’s owner to reopen the work area the day after that.”

“I-I see…”

“There’s no way you could get us to work on our day off, though~” added the young miner with a bitter smile.

Once the others had left, she was left to wonder what to do during this unexpected day off.

Coltra had just finished returning the dishes to the inn at the foot of the volcano like always.

It had been easier before when he only had to worry about his own food, but a roommate had moved in five days earlier.

And unfortunately for him, it was a girl. She possessed a combination of beauty and cuteness and she was kind enough to perform physical labor to save her adventurer partner.

He really should have worked harder to avoid living together with someone like Makina.

But his inability to stand up for himself had worked against him yet again.

And due to her defenseless behavior, he had made a terrible mistake the previous night.

“…I can’t go on…like this…”

While muttering to himself, he decided he was going to get through tonight – and the day off tomorrow – without incident. Then he opened the door to the shack.


There was no sign of Makina. Even though he had taken a deep breath so he could avoid reacting no matter how skimpily she was dressed.

She would normally be relaxing her body with the massager after taking her shower. Surely she had not gone out somewhere.

“Oh, welcome back, Coltra.”

The small shack’s only other door opened. It led to the shower room which used water from an underwater hot spring.

And Makina stepped out with only a thin towel draped over the front of her body.

“S-sorry I’m not dressed yet! Since we have tomorrow off, I wanted to wash myself more thoroughly!”
It would have been one thing if she had a large towel wrapped all the way around her body.

But this wet towel only covered the front and it was just barely long enough to cover her nipples and crotch at the same time. She was just about nude like this.

“Th-that’s fine…! J-just put some clothes on…!”

Coltra raised his voice for once and looked away with his face flushed.

However, he still glanced over at her bodylines through the thin, wet towel as if trying to burn the image into his eyes.

“O-oh, that’s right! Sorry!”

She apologized and turned around to search for her clothes.

But she had nothing to cover her from behind, so her shapely butt and beautiful back were fully exposed.

Water dripped from her long, blonde hair and ran down the lines of her porcelain-like body. And Coltra saw it all.

He could tell his desire was rapidly approaching the limit.

“Sorry again, Coltra! But, um!”

“C-could I borrow a change of clothes?”

He could not believe what he was hearing, so he covered his red face with a hand.

It turned out she had accidentally put all her other clothes in the wash, leaving her nothing to wear, so she borrowed a tank top from Coltra.

He had thought this would be better than having her naked, but the view was even more “devastating” with her wearing a man’s white tank top.

“Thank you very much, Coltra! I will wash it and return it later!”

“Y-you don’t…have to.”

When she bowed to thank him for his kindness, her large breasts were pulled down by gravity, revealing their deep cleavage. Those weighty melons were really only supported by the thin shoulder straps of the tank top.

It was much too big for her, so it was more like a camisole than anything.

Her cleavage and sideboob were almost always visible and it did nothing to hide her pink panties.

Despite how baggy the white tank top was in general, the chest looked like it was about to burst with those large mounds inside.

The pink nipples at the tips were faintly visible through the thin white fabric.


Intentional or not, she looked far too provocative and shortly after showering too. Coltra desperately tried to hide the tent in his pants.

“Okay, I will be using this again today.”

Surely not, he thought.

It was true he had told her she could use it and he had told her to feel at home here.

But if she used that vibrating magitool in such a revealing outfit…

“Nhh Ahhhh~~❤❤❤

She made no attempt to hide her sensual voice and the shack echoed with what could only be called moans.

Her nipples grew hard and pushed out the white fabric.

The vibration of the massager on her shoulders sent waves of jiggling through her visible sideboob.

“Ah Nh My shoulders have always…nh Gotten so stiff I really need to, ah Get one of these for myself❤❤


She sat cross-legged on the bottom bunk, so Coltra had a constant view of her panties from where he sat on the floor.

Then she lifted her weighty breast in one hand to more easily loosen up her shoulder.

He hit his limit.

Coltra stood up and Makina briefly tensed up, but then…

“…I am going to bed…”

Those words were a bit of a letdown for Makina and he really did scramble up onto the top bunk.

“Good night

But she decided this was fine.

She had simply been massaging her shoulders and he had gone to bed because he was tired.

Nothing had happened and that was for the best.

They had both managed to control themselves, so the pure princess’s body was safe. For now.

During the fifth night, the normal miners were sound asleep in the inn because there was no need to wake up early the following morning.

And in the shack far from there, the man was tossing and turning. Once everything was quiet for a while, his bed creaked and he climbed down from the top bunk.

(H-here he comes)

But she would not wake up.

“Makina the Adventurer” was fast asleep on her back in a tank top. She had not put on a towel or shorts, so her panties were visible below the tank top.


The man stood next to her bed and struggled to calm his heavy breathing. He was apparently trying to restrain his arousal without her noticing.

But he could not contain his lust. In fact, it continued to grow and it bubbled like boiling magma.

He could see the teenage girl’s sweaty body, he could smell her feminine aroma in the humid shack, and he could even detect a faint sexual scent.

With each breath, her two mountains tightly contained by the tank top would rise and fall. He had seen more than enough of volcanoes for a lifetime, but he could watch those violent peaks forever. And he wanted to do more than just look.

He stared at her small glossy lips, her soft-looking arms, her smooth and hairless armpits, her skinny waist, her plump thighs, and her smooth bare legs.

He stared at every part of her superbly sexy body.

(Wow I can tell just how focused he is on my body)

It was like he was trying to lick her and violate her with his gaze and it was so intense she could tell even with her eyes closed in feigned sleep.

But she would not let herself wake up no matter what happened. Seducing him was simply out of the question.

Her royal status meant she could not succumb to the sex curse’s tempta-



The man climbed onto the bottom bunk.

Her voice just about escaped her throat, but she managed to avoid opening her eyes.

He was on all fours above her. She could feel his heavy breathing from so close by. Her nose picked up the scent of an aroused beast…of a male.

“… Ah…

It had finally happened. He could no longer contain himself. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it would burst. The sex curse was already filling the shack with its purple light.

But she had decided she would continue to feign sleep, so she remained motionless while waiting to see what he would do.

“Pant! Pant!”

He pulled the tank top up to her collarbones.

Her large breasts were exposed in the darkness and her evaporating sweat gave off female pheromones.

That scent must have further aroused Coltra because he stripped off his own clothes and grabbed her soft breasts in his hands.

“Hh Ah, hh

He kneaded them in a way that showed he was no longer concerned about waking her. He massaged her sweaty tits and rubbed the nipples.

After doing that for a while, his powerful hands left them.

What would he do next?

What would he do to his roommate whose tits were out and who only had a pair of panties to hide her nudity?

A titfuck? Some nipple sucking? Or…


Her sexual knowledge was still too inadequate to have expected or even imagined this.

He pressed the massager against her clitoris.

And then he sent his magic power into the vibrator magitool.


The magic ore wrapped in Poison Frog skin vibrated to send pleasure straight into her clitoris. She forgot all about pretending to sleep and opened her eyes wide.

The tool she had used to loosen up her shoulders and hips had transformed into a sex toy capable making her hips lift from the bed.

That weak point was known as a woman’s penis and it was the most delicate and sensitive part of their body, but a merciless mechanical vibration assaulted hers now.

“W-wait Why are you…doing thish❤❤

“…You want to…know why…!?”

He removed the vibrator from her clit.

Nevertheless, her legs and hips continued to tremble and her clitoris desired further pleasure while growing hard and erect like a penis.

But more than that, she saw clear anger in Coltra’s eyes while he held her wrists to the bed and moved his face close enough for a kiss.

“If you…if only you hadn’t shown up…! I could have continued to resist…! But you had to dress so skimpily every day and wave your tits and ass in my face…!”

“…!? Coltra!? I-I wasn’t-…!”

“I thought I had put that behind me after I was arrested for raping 30 in the royal capital…! But I can’t stop myself now! Because of you!”

Raping 30 in the royal capital?

That matched something she had heard during a break earlier.

Was Coltra that rapist?

It was true the man pinning her down now looked very different from the taciturn and diligent miner she knew.

It was like he had become someone else. No, this was probably his true form.

Those were the crazed eyes of ferocious sex criminal who would commit any crime after giving himself over to his lust.

“All I’ve been able to think about are the many ways I’d like to fuck a slut like you! If you’re gonna keep showing off that sexy body, then I’ll give you what you want and fuck you until you pass out! No, I’ll keep fucking that hot body after you pass out!!”


He tore off her panties which were soaked with love juices.

She had never imagined he was a rapist, so his rampaging animal lust scared her.

She could not hope to outdo the muscular strength of a manual laborer and she could not use magic without her staff at hand.

Just a moment ago, she had felt like a devilish girl seducing the shy man. She had felt in control.

If he could resist her feminine charm, that was fine. If he could not and attacked her, that too was fine as it would boost her magic.

But she had not expected this.

She had felt like an animal tamer, but it turned out she was no more than a fool waving raw meat in front of an unchained beast.

She had severed the last thread of reason that the beast had been using to hold himself back.

Now he only needed to devour the “meat” laid out before him.

But while she did feel some fear, she also felt a great excitement about what was to come. What would happen to her once he unleashed that lust? How much pleasure would it bring? Her lower stomach throbbed at the thought.

“Spread your legs!”

“If you insist

She started spreading them to reveal the sexual flesh between, but she must have been to slow for him.

He forced open her plump legs and took aim with the tip of his penis which was plenty hard after her teasing.

“No one else will be here until the day after tomorrow, so moan as loud as you like, slutty Makina!”


Coltra’s rapist penis entered her soaked vagina.


It was not as thick as the innkeeper’s or as long as Tact’s, but it was as hard as solid rock and as hot as magma. Pleasure raced up to her mind and burned away her thoughts.

“Ahhhhh Ah Not so suddenly It’s so hot and hardI’m I’m going crazy❤❤❤

They were in the missionary position, but he thrust wildly in a way that showed no hint of kindness or an attempt to pleasure her.

He pounded her hard enough that she thought her pelvis was going to break and he bit her bouncing bare breasts.

It was enough to leave bite marks, but the sex curse transformed any pain into pleasure and moaning.

“You’re #31! But you feel so damn good! Kh!”

“Ah Ahhh Do you have to be…so rough!?

She had not expected him to be so rough right away, but his response was to hold the vibrator to her clit again as if to silence her.


The powerful stimulation to her sex bean caused her vagina to squeeze tight.

The pleasure provided by her internal flesh grew even greater, so Coltra thrust his hips even faster.

“Gh! Take this! Pant, pant! You like it rough, don’t you!? You slut!”

“Yesh Nh Ah, gah You’re being rougher than I expectedBut your dick Feels so good❤❤❤ Ahhhh Ah

The small shack’s sweltering air made them both sweat as they indulged in hard and dirty sex.

There was no love or romance here. It barely seemed to be pure lust either. It was more like he hungered for her flesh. She was reminded she had a weakness for people desiring her so directly.

Coltra seemed so much lovelier now than when he had been ignoring her advances and playing the gentleman.

This was a conversation between two naked bodies boiling with lust. They could feel each other’s true nature so much more clearly than if they had exchanged a thousand words.

And inside taciturn Coltra, she found a burning desire to fuck her and fuck her hard.

“Ahhn More Ahn Tease my clit and pussy more Cover my horny body with your rapist semen❤❤❤❤❤

She said things she never would have said or even considered saying normally.

Was the sex curse to blame for that? Her pleasure-addled mind was in no state to pursue that question.

Her mind was focused on the powerful hands around her hips, the hips roughly thrusting at her, and the hard and hot rod digging deep inside her vagina.

Then she sensed the hot semen rising within that rod.

“Hh! Ohhhhh!!!”


He pulled his penis out of her and unleashed an unbelievable amount of cum.

The milky liquid reached her stomach, the bottom of her boobs, and even her nipples.

She was a little disappointed he had not cummed inside her, but she soon realized that would not be an issue.

The mine was off tomorrow, so she would have the entire day alone with him in this dreary shack.

“Ahh Ahhh Hh Eh heh heh

His 31st target smiled happily in a way none of the women in the royal capital had.

On the sixth morning, the mine was shut down and no one showed up for work.

Makina woke up later than normal due to the exhaustion from the labor and the previous night’s “activity”.

Then again, it was more accurate to say she was woken up.

She was sleeping on her back, so Coltra climbed nude into the bottom bunk and began rubbing his penis between her boobs.

“Good morning, Coltra

“Ahh! Kh, ahh!”

He groaned with pleasure instead of greeting her.

He was only interested in titfucking her below the thin tank top.

Before long, he ejaculated from her cleavage and gave her a morning facial.


A normal woman would have screamed after having her peaceful sleep disturbed like this, but Makina’s sex curse was already shining brightly and this morning greeting only turned her on.

To show him that, she scooped some of the smelly cum off her face and brought her finger to her mouth.

She licked off her finger like it was a lollipop, rolled the sticky fluid around on her tongue, and opened her mouth wide so he could see.

“Nh…gulp Ahh Hee heeYou shouldn’t do that to a sleeping woman, Coltra

But instead of being angry at the assault, her tone made it clear she was disappointed she had missed her chance to enjoy it from beginning to end.

She said and did nothing to directly seduce him.

But her thoroughly aroused expression, her sensual voice, her hot body, and everything that composed the individual named Makina Grandel worked to seduce him.

She badly wanted that muscular body he had built up working in the mine and the former rapist was more than willing to give her what she wanted.



He grabbed her arms and pulled her up into a sitting position.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and she sat facing him.

Then he lifted her arms up and stripped off her tank top. She had not been wearing any underwear since last night.

“Pant, pant!”

“It’s funny how much men seem to like these

As soon as the tank top was gone, her breasts jiggled into view and she pressed her hardened nipples against his nipples.

They sat that close as they stared at each other.

The morning sun shined in and reflected off the sweat on their bodies.

They were close enough to feel each other’s breaths, smell each other’s sweat, and sense each other’s racing hearts.

They would have no visitors until the following morning.

The small and sweltering building had transformed into their personal love shack.

“Are you going to fuck me? Are you going to fuck me all day long? Are you going to fuck me until I’m carrying your baby?❤❤

“No, Makina. I’m going to fuck you until you cum so hard you pass out. I’m going to fuck you like crazy. I’m going to keep fucking you until you’re addicted to my cock!”

“Ahh Y-yes❤❤ That sounds wonderful❤❤❤

The former rapist and the princess embraced and kissed so passionately it was like they were trying to devour each other.

“Ahh! Nh!”

“Nmh Ahn Slurp Oh…Hhn Ah Kiss SlurpNmh Lick
She wrapped her arms around his neck and accepted his tongue in her mouth.

His large hands rubbed her back and waist while he licked her teeth one at a time.

And he groped her ass while they exchanged saliva.

“Lick Ahn Kiss NghHyah

While he caressed her as if checking how soft her body was and how smooth her skin was, love juices flowed from between her legs so soon after waking up.

She pressed her giant tits against his solid chest and sought his tongue like a baby bird being fed by its parent.

She gulped down his saliva as if making up for the moisture lost through all the sweat on her skin.



Their lips parted and his cock pressed against the location of the sex curse’s tattoo.

Her womb throbbed in its desire for that scorching rod and her pussy juices soaked the bedsheets.

She took a cross-legged position like him before straddled his thighs and wrapping her legs around his hips.

The morning erection took aim at her wet pussy and once more parted the vaginal flesh to enter her like it had last night.


Pleasure shook her body.

They both wrapped their arms and legs around each other to press as close together as possible while joined at the crotch.

This position kept her from escaping Coltra’s thick arms, but that was the last thing she ever wanted to do as she cried out and accepted the penis thrusting up into her vagina.

“Hgh Ah Ah Ah AhAhh Y-yes Yes It’s so good

The creaking of the bed echoed through the small shack, but her cries were even louder.

She could hear her own soprano moans, the breaths of the beast facing her, and the stickiness of their flesh rubbing together.

Both of them could only see the other’s expression.

Only a focused male expression or a melted female expression.

They simultaneously initiated a kiss, rubbed their pheromones on each other, and let their instincts rule their fucking.

“Nh Slurp Ahh AhnTighter Hold me tighterColtra

“…! Ahh!”

Coltra had been drawn to Makina’s incredible body from the moment they met, but he had resisted all this time.

The thick semen produced in his balls boiled with his desire to overcome all that frustration.

Sensing the heat rising in his urethra, he pushed his penis ever deeper into Makina’s vagina.

“Makina! I’m going to cum inside you!”

“Ahhhhhhh I’m about to cum too So cum inside me while I cum Please

His arms held her even tighter.

Her breasts squished against his chest and the pleasure of their softness caused his penis to grow even bigger inside her.

She kissed him and moved her own hips up and down to further stimulate his penis until he finally released his second load of the day.



The heat pumped deep inside her seemed to burn her womb.

She pulled his muscular body close while he ejaculated and embraced him as if refusing to let go of the pleasure of being cummed inside.

“Ahh Ahhh Ah Kiss
Despite being fucked immediately after waking up, she smiled happily with him still inside her and kissed him like a lover.

However, this was not the end. The day off had only just begun.

Coltra did not need to say a thing because the presence of the still-hard penis inside her was all she needed to know.

After a shower to wash off his “morning sweat” Coltra ate his breakfast and descended to the inn at the foot of the volcano like normal.

After returning both their dishes, he returned to the shack. And…

“Ahhhhhhhhhh I’m cummingI’m cumming again Ahh I’m I’m cummiiiiiiing❤❤❤

Makina was nude and tied to a chair with the same rope attaching the vibrating magitool to her body so it massaged her clitoris.

The stone wrapped in soft frog skin would vibrate when supplied with magic power, but now there was another stone attached to the other end.

Coltra had filled that stone with magic power in advance so it would power the massager without him present.

But Makina was tied up and could not remove it or stop its vibrations. She could only experience the pleasure it supplied.

Coltra was unfazed by the shocking sight. Which was not surprising since he was the one who had tied her there.

“Ah Ahhhhhhhhhh❤❤❤❤❤

She orgasmed just as the charge of magic power ran out and the vibrations stopped.

She squirted and soaked the shack floor.

He stepped inside the shack and found a powerful feminine scent created by her love juices and sweat.

As soon as he shut the door behind him, he stripped off all his clothes, untied her, and carried her to the bed without wiping off the floor.

“Ah Hahhh Could I have a moment to catch my-…”

He did not give her any rest.

He pushed her onto all fours and penetrated her from behind.


His bottomless lust fueled him as he pounded his hips against her beautiful ass.

When he fucked her doggy style and when his log-like legs struck her soft white thighs, it tickled her masochistic side.

Her body was tired, but her mind was ruled by another feeling altogether. She wanted more. Much more.

As if answering her unspoken desire, his hands reached from behind and tightly grabbed her jiggling boobs.

All she could do was squeeze the sheet in her hand and accept his merciless carnal desire.

“Ahh! Ahh!”

“Ahh Hnyah Nhhh Coltra Does my Does my horny body Hyahn Feel good?

“Ahh, gah!!!”

“Ahhhh More of it Inside meeeee❤❤❤

Instead of answering, he pumped even more of his seed into her from behind.


He came so intensely she thought she could hear him ejaculating and it continued for a long time.

All the cum tried to flow back out, but his miner cock plugged her up and continued pistoning.

Before lunch, he came inside her thrice and on her back twice, but he continued to desire her horny slut body even after that.

After eating lunch, she lay by his side in the same bed, taking a nap with his arm as the pillow.

Once she woke up, they were right back to banging. Once they were filthy with cum, pussy juices, drool, and sweat, they washed it off in the shower.

But the shower was cramped with two of them in there together, the situation turned Coltra on some more, and they ended up doing it in there as well.

Even after the sun set and after they had eaten dinner, they really did fuck the day away with a few breaks to recover their stamina.

The bedsheets were stained with their sweat and other fluids, the puddles of semen and love juices on the floor had dried in the heat, so anyone who stepped into the shack would have been overwhelmed by an unpleasant stench.

But to those two, the stains and smells were a crystallization of their love and a proof of their carnal desire. They only continued to spill more sexual fluids in the sauna-like heat and arousing smells of the room.

“Ahh Ahhhh I’m Going to cum again

Makina wrapped her arms around Coltra’s neck, tried in vain to catch her breath, and kissed him again.

But instead of sitting on the bed, he was now standing in the center of the room.

He held her in his arms with his penis still penetrating her.

She had her legs around his hips and he tightly held her ass so she would not fall. This position relied on the muscles in his powerful arms, legs, and hips.

“Ahh So deep Your dick feels so good Sex is the bestAhhh Yesss

She clung to his muscular body while gravity pulled her deeper onto his cock.

A weaker man could not have managed this position and he further demonstrated his strength with his rough thrusting. Makina’s princess pussy had long since fallen to his sexual prowess.

She was lost in the endless fucking.

“Ah. Eh?”

But while more or less leaning on Coltra’s body, she noticed light coming from the jewel on a shelf.

That jewel was another type of magitool. It was a magic communicator the doctor had given her before she left for the volcano.

“Oh, is that you, Makina!? Thank goodness I reached you! The thing is…Tet has briefly woken up!”

She asked Coltra to grab the jewel for her, but when she sent magic power into the jewel with a cock still deep inside her, she received shocking news from the doctor in the hot springs town inn.

“I have not been able to cure the toxin’s symptoms yet, so we have his unbelievable physical strength and mental fortitude to thank for this! Now, if there is anything you wish to tell him.”

“Eh? Um, well, now’s not a good- eek

Even as she used the jewel to speak with the doctor, Coltra continued to thrust inside of her.

How could she hold a conversation when the magitool might pick up her moans and the wet sounds they were making?


“…! T-Tet!?”
She heard a quiet voice from the jewel. It was barely audible, but it was definitely her beloved servant, Tet Chrom.

“Wait Ah Not now OhHyahn

“I am…so very…sorry…”


She was speaking with Tet while another man had his way with her plump and sexy body.

Trapped between the guilt and her desire, she thought she would go mad from pleasure, but she was surprised to hear an apology from weak Tet.

“I am causing you…so much worry…and trouble…”

“N-no! You have nothing to apologize- ahh

“Ahh! Ahh!” groaned Coltra.

“Hghh Nhh Oh Wait

“I refuse…to fall before…solving the mystery…of Gelwess…!”

“Tet Ahhh Tet, nhh Hhhh❤❤❤

Tet’s loyalty was unshaken even on the verge of death.

She had come to the volcano for his sake and she had poured with sweat as she worked hard for five days straight.

Yet at the moment, she was enjoying sweaty sex with Coltra.

The thought filled the sex curse with light and heat and her pussy squeezed the erect penis inside it. Her exhaustion vanished and she craved even more cum.


“I’m gonna cum!” said Coltra. “Have my babies, Makina!”

“I’m cumming too So cum inside me Squirt it all out of your rock-hard cock And knock me up

“Gwoh, ahhhh!!!”


The orgasm she experienced was like an overdose of pleasure, so her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hung out of her mouth.

But the jewel only conveyed sound, so it would not carry that lewd expression to the hot springs town inn. And for better or for worse, her final statements had apparently not arrived there either.

“Hm,” said the doctor. “This is still an experimental magitool, so the magic transmitter must not be working right. There is far too much noise in the signal. Or maybe the volcano is just too remote a region. Well, either way, he should last a few more days. I will contact you if anything else happens. I am praying you find the Dexite!”

“Yesh Thank…you
The flaw had not been in the jewel. She had been in no state to send a proper stream of magic power to it and she had in fact dropped it on the floor.

Her entire body went limp as her strength left hr.

She succumbed to the floating feeling and nearly passed out.

But Coltra would not allow that. He was not satisfied yet and continued fucking her. Once their sweat and other fluids soaked down to the mattress and it was uncomfortable to lie on, they moved up to the top bunk to resume banging. But even when that bed was wet with their sexual fluids, the sex continued.

Back in the royal capital, Coltra had been thrown in prison for rape. When he was released, he had come to work at this mine full of men to remove himself from temptation.

He seemed intent on using up several years’ worth of semen as his cum and her pussy juices soaked the volcano shack’s floor and the sounds of slapping flesh continued late into the night.

It was early morning on the 7th day.

After all their passionate sex the day before and spending all night in the same bed as Makina, Coltra woke up and bowed so low he rubbed his head on the floor.

“I-I am…so sorry…!”


He had apparently come to his senses.

His bow was so deep she thought he would tear a hole in the floor.

He was apologizing to her, but she felt a little bad herself as his apologies continued.

“P-please raise your head, Coltra!”

“No…! I must apologize…! I lost control of myself…a-and treated you terribly…!”

“I am as much to blame for that as you. And more importantly, our time together yesterday should be a lot of help.”

“A lot of help?”

“J-just don’t worry about it! I’m not mad, okay!?”

“…! Thank you…so very much! I am…truly sorry!”

Makina forgave him with a troubled smile and he tearfully thanked her.

Meanwhile, the other miners started to arrive for work, so Makina and Coltra quickly got dressed.

His passionate lovemaking had been a little overwhelming, but the effects of the sex curse had converted his semen into plenty of magic power.

And that power did prove to be a lot of help.

“Found it!!”

“…! Congratulations!”

Just a few hours after work began on the 7th day, she found what she was looking for: a large deposit of Dexite.

Her pickaxe vibrated far more powerfully than the day before last and it broke right through the bedrock that had seemed like a solid metal wall before.

She found the ore in question behind that. Its glitter seemed more beautiful than the finest jewel.

“Oh! So you finally found it! Way to go, Makina!”

“Congrats! Wow, I’m so happy for you!”

“Thank you. Thank you so much, everyone!”

When the miners congratulated her, she realized her efforts had finally paid off and she felt tears in her eyes.

And during the lunch break, she and Coltra returned to the shack so she could prepare to leave the volcano. She had no reason to stay now that she had what she came for.

She was a bit reluctant to leave the miners she had just started to get to know, but time was of the essence.

While she was changing out of her work uniform and into her adventurer clothes, Coltra muttered something behind her.


That was the mysterious word Tet had risked his life to get out of the Poison Frog boss.

Why had Coltra spoken it?

“Oh, sorry… I wasn’t trying to…listen in…but I recognized that word from your conversation…yesterday.”

During the magic conversation using the jewel, Tet had indeed said he refused to fall before solving the mystery of Gelwess.

She had never expected Coltra to not just overhear it but to recognize it.

“R-really!? Do you know something about Gelwess!?”
“P-please finish changing first…!”

If she approached him while changing, he might lose control again.

Makina did not want that either. Because she might miss out on a hint concerning the mage she was searching for.

Once she blushed and moved away from Coltra, he caught his breath and falteringly told her what he knew about that magic.

“Gelwess is apparently…an ancient sex curse magic…that was supposedly lost to the ages. And because of it…and because of that man, I…!”

Why did Coltra avoid women?

Why was he arrested for rape and why did he start working in this mine?

It had all begun when he met a mage in a black robe.

Coltra had run a small magitool shop in the royal capital, but he had been far from successful due to his innate shyness.

He had the most trouble with female customers. It was not that he disliked them. In fact, he had felt the stirrings of a beast inside him when he spoke with or happened to touch them.

But he had suppressed it and continued doing just enough business to survive. Until about six months before when a suspicions man had entered his shop.

“That desire is meant to be unleashed. I shall make you one of my experimental subjects.”

The mage had said something Coltra did not understand and then he had engraved a certain tattoo on Coltra’s lower stomach.

The man had immediately vanished in a puff of smoke and never returned to the shop.

In order to figure out what had happened and what had been done to him, Coltra had gone out into the city at night.

And the beast he had kept suppressed for so long had shattered its chains of reason.

“Night after night after that, I would…find a woman and assault her… I raped 30 women before I was arrested as the Royal City Rapist… With each crime I committed, the sex curse’s light would grow more intense… I tried desperately to remove it with my own power and every curse-removing magitool I could find…but it was no use.”

His regret and self-condemnation were palpable as he confessed his past crimes.

He clearly wanted to atone for every single victim he had created.

After he was arrested in the past, he had been thrown into the royal capital’s great prison.

Breaking into or out of that fortress was thought to be impossible, but the mage had easily appeared before Coltra in his solitary confinement cell.

He had said, “The experiment is complete. You did well.”

And after removing the sex curse, he had once more disappeared in a puff of smoke.

That man must have done something or pulled some strings because Coltra had been unofficially released after just a few months.

Officially, the Royal City Rapist was supposed to still be imprisoned, but he had instead moved to the Wells region and started working at the volcano mine.

He had hoped to suppress the secret beast inside him by working around men where he would rarely ever meet any women.

But a week before, an attractive girl had appeared before him.

And…well, Makina knew the rest.

“When you get down to it…sex curse or not, there is still a beast within me… An old text I found said that sex curses do not create desire; they amplify people’s existing lust…”


If that was true, then Makina’s desire for men was her own and not something the sex curse had created.

She decided not to think about that for now. She shook her head and focused on his story.

He gave an overview of his struggle against the sex curse magic.

“Before I was arrested…I investigated the pattern of the curse’s tattoo…in the hopes of finding a way to remove it myself.”


“I discovered…that it is known as Gelwess, that it is such old magic that no one should know it anymore, and that it dramatically amplifies human desire… I did not find a way to remove it.”

The sex curse located on Makina’s lower stomach was that very magic: Gelwess.

It may have worked differently in men or Coltra had simply never been in the situation to know, but he did not mention how it boosted magic power using semen.

But this was a lot. It was a huge clue.

She might be able to figure something out now that she knew the name of the magic.

And based on Coltra’s story, the mage she was pursuing could remove the sex curse.

“Coltra! Thank you so much for telling me this!”

She held his large, solid hands in hers and gave her heartfelt thanks.

He blushed and grew a bit flustered, but he did not lose control. He would probably be fine for a while after the day before.

“I-I am not an adventurer…so there was only so much I could investigate…but there is a forbidden vault deep in the royal capital’s library… Only high-level adventurers are allowed there…and it might have a relevant book on old magic…”


She shook his hands up and down and felt so thankful she forgot how to say anything but his name.

She had the Dexite, she had boosted her magic, and she had information to bring them closer to their goal.

The plan was still to visit the royal capital and find that black-robed mage.

But instead of searching randomly, she had somewhere concrete to look, so she felt so much closer to reviving her kingdom.


She donned her witch’s hat in the shack’s entrance, let her skirt flutter for the first time in a week, and held her magic staff.

She was ready to leave, so it was time to say goodbye to Coltra.

“Okay, I’ll be leaving now…”

“Goodbye… I will not pry into your situation…but I am praying for the success of your journey.”


Just before leaving, she came to a brief stop.

She looked back and passed him a scrap of paper.

“This is the number associated with my adventurer’s ID.”


“If you ask at the guild hall reception desk, they should be able to tell you which city I am in at the time.”

She moved close, stood up on her toes, and whispered in his ear.

“If you ever find you are once more feeling so pent-up you fear you will attack someone…please come see me I will help resolve that issue even if it takes an entire day or two


His eyes widened in surprise and a sexual smile appeared on her flushed face.

She quickly backed away, bowed, and turned around.

“Thank you for everything this past week! Tell the others bye for me! I am truly, truly grateful!”

With a bright smile, she said goodbye, and opened the door.

That girl had only worked there for seven days, but the miners would never forget her.

Princess Makina Grandel possessed both the heart of a saint and enough sexuality to release Coltra’s pent-up desire.

With the Dexite in her bag, she descended Wells Volcano to reach the hot springs town where her beloved knight Tet awaited.


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